Monday 23 April 2007

Day 2 - Surviving!

Hey all,

Morning of day 2 and still feeling confident! Had my first pint of water with my choc tetra, I only have chocolate tetras and next week the bars. I love the tetras! Last night had a slip up on day one when I had a slice of sandwich meat out of the fridge. Followed by lots of water but I do feel like I let myself down so soon!

Kitchen pickers wear big knickers!!!

Have a good day!

Sunday 22 April 2007

Day One - Again

Hey all!

Well this is my CD restart for the final time! I have lost 2 stone with cambridge earlier in the year and then gained over half a stone when I came off the diet for 3 weeks by basically being greedy!!

Anyway im back on cambridge today and im so happy to be back on track. I have decided to write in this blog so you can share my ups and downs and any tips or advice I come accross along the way! Look forward to hearing from more cambridge dieters. This is a current pic too, still a long way to go !